The NHS minor ailments scheme is available in selected pharmacies in England. The aim of this service is to reduce the number of attendees for the treatment of minor ailments in A&E and the reduction in the number of GP appointments for minor ailments in order to reduce cost to the NHS.
This service aims to increase utilisation of community pharmacist skills by providing self care through the pharmacy. It also increases patient choice, convenience and access to treatment for minor ailments that does not require consultation with a doctor.
A patient can be referred to the scheme via a GP reception staff, out of hours services or patient/carer can also self refer.
A pharmacy team in a participating store can help support with a wide range of common conditions:
- coughs
- colds
- back pain
- fever
- head lice
- conjunctivitis
- cystitis
- hay fever
- thread worms
- indigestion
We can provide valuable advice and recommend appropriate treatment and refer to a doctor if necessary. We are open longer hours, there is no need to book an appointment and if the patient is exempt from prescription charges they will be eligible to receive medicines free of charge. This service involves a short consultation with the Pharmacist who will ask a number of questions to find out about the symptoms then decide if treatment can be provided in the pharmacy or urgent attention is needed by a doctor.